Job Tips – Planning A Career Sabbatical?

Factors To Consider Before Taking The Career Break So, what are the factors to be considered before taking a Career Break or Job Break? Taking a break from job or career is a big career …

Factors To Consider Before Taking The Career Break

So, what are the factors to be considered before taking a Career Break or Job Break?

Taking a break from job or career is a big career decision. And one needs to ensure all options are weighed properly before taking the decision.

Well, most people write to me to ask How and When to take the career break? What I hear them ask is:

“How do I know When is the right time to hang the boots temporarily?”

You would agree that its one of the toughest career decisions to take a break whether it is designed or by default. I am going to try to make it easy for you if you are considering a career sabbatical or career break.

Below are the key factors you need to consider before you decide on taking a break from your current job:

1. Deal with the insecurities

If you have worked for a while, suddenly deciding to quit may not be easy. One needs to be prudent about this decision and deal with the insecurities it brings along with it. Whether you admit it or not, your mind somewhere thinks about it and it is better that you deal with this before taking the break rather than deal with it later. The manifestation of this insecurity can be quite detrimental to your overall peace and mindset. Whatever may be the reason ( the career break being designed or by default), you need to think through it objectively considering an aspect of your life will not be the same going forward. Look up for career advice to get guidance.

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2. You don’t need the money

Most people hold on to their jobs because of the stable income flow at the end of every month. Whether the money is spent to meet personal commitments or to buy the latest gadget or to invest in being the ‘fashionista‘ in office, the money that flows in, increases the independence. It not only makes the wallet but you happy too. That is a big one to let go.

Have you thought about it? You may not need the money but you may still want to protect your purchasing power and independence.

The important think is to ensure that you have made provisions in your mind that month ends will not look and feel the same anymore. A proper career consultant can help you ask and answer the relevant career questions before plunging into a career sabbatical.

3. You have a bigger reason to say NO

The fact that you have decided to call it a day at work (albeit temporarily) would mean you have a bigger reason to say to YES to.

The key is to have that bigger reason spelt out loud and clear

You will have conviction to deal with the change once you are clear about the reason why you want to take a career break. Whether for further studies, learn a new skill, cultivate a full- time hobby or spend days in leisure, the reason for the career sabbatical should be clear. Usually, I advice professionals to discuss with a Career Consultant to help zero in on the reason for taking a career break. While it may seem that you know why you are taking a career break but often the reason is much-deep rooted than you think and manifests very differently once you have taken a career break.

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4. Failure in an assignment should not be the reason for taking a break in career

Lot of professionals make this career blunder by deciding to take a break in their career if an assignment or job does not work for them. It is a gross error and a sure career limiting mistake. Not only is it a weak moment to take this important career decision but also professionals are not in a state to deal with this crucial change in their professional and personal lives post the break. The critical timing of a career break can multiply the problem and challenges or an enjoyable and fruitful career break depending on when one takes the break.

Like a career start helps one build a successful career, a well planned career break re-shapes the career. If you are planning a career sabbatical, plan it well.

Whether one gets back to the same career or changes the course of the career, impressing upon the factors to consider before taking the career break will help you make an objective decision about your career.

A Career Sabbatical has help people surge in their careers upon return.

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