Career or Life Coaching – Six Career Situations

In Which Coaching Would Be an Excellent Investment Over the past decade, the job market and virtually every industry has been transformed. Many workers have struggled and continue to struggle with downsizing, mergers, acquisitions, reorganizations, …

In Which Coaching Would Be an Excellent Investment

Over the past decade, the job market and virtually every industry has been transformed.

Many workers have struggled and continue to struggle with downsizing, mergers, acquisitions, reorganizations, and job searches that last more than a year. Ten years ago, most workers could handle their own job search with perhaps some assistance from a resume writer or an outplacement firm. Now the job search industry is a multi-billion dollar industry and coaching is major aspect.

Despite the changes in the job market and job search strategies, many job-seekers are afraid to admit that they may need some help and guidance from an outside career professional. They think of asking for help as a sign of weakness or a sign of defeat. Or they are deterred by the price of such services. A professionally prepared resume and career coaching may be beyond the budget constraints of many individuals, especially since many job search career specialists (particularly in major cities) do market themselves to those at the executive level.

Despite the cost, using a career coach or a life coach could be the smartest decision a job-seeker makes. Coaches can offer new directions, perspectives, and ideas, as well as expand thinking and encourage brainstorming. In smaller cities and on the Internet, there are coaches who charge what many job seekers would consider reasonable prices.

So who might benefit from coaching? Career or life coaching may be a valuable investment for “workers” in the following six career situations.

1. Getting no results in current job search

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Workers (employed or unemployed) who know what type of position(s) they want but are getting no results in their current search would do well to make use of a career marketing or job search coach. These coaches offer short-term services to help individuals develop, implement and manage a job search campaign. This type of coaching focuses on defining objectives (e.g., type of position, type of industry, geographic preferences, salary requirements, quality of life issues) and then developing a step-by-step job search action plan. With this plan the job seeker is better market themselves, optimize their networking, and be held accountable for completing each action step they have set.

2. Concerned About Being Downsized

Short-term career counseling would also be beneficial to employees who are concerned about being downsized in the future, as it will help them develop job-search-action plan ready if or when the downsizing occurs. Having a plan can be a major stress reducer.

3. Changing Career Direction

Some career coaches are now specializing in career management. The career management coach focuses on broad issues related to an entire career – the past, the present and the future. The support is long-term and comprehensive, often focusing on personal and introspective issues. A prime candidate for a career management coach is an individual who, for whatever reason, wants to change his/her career direction and is uncertain about his/her objectives. These individuals need to explore, discuss and evaluate their value, their skills and where they want to be in their careers.

4. Moving into Management

An individual moving into a management position may also be a good candidate for a career management coach as a career management coach can serve as confidante, adviser and career strategist.

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5. Career Planning after 50

Working with a career management coach may also be of value for an individual over 50 who wants a plan for how to continue working in a meaningful job until they are READY to make the retirement decision. Some career coaches are trained to help people with “ReCareering”. (a late-in-life career change that is not just a job change, but a move to a completely different career path to pursue a passion, make a lifestyle change, make more money, launch a business, or transition to retirement)

6. Burnt-out, Unhappy, or Frustrated with the Job

Those who are burnt-out, frustrated or unhappy in their careers may want to work with a career or a life coach. The burnt-out, frustrated, and unhappy include those who:

– have lost their enthusiasm for their career,

– are stuck in a career they never wanted in the first place,

– have discovered that their values and their employer’s values do not match,

– feel their job is meaningless; that they are nothing more than a cog in a giant machine,

– have been passed over several times for promotions.

– feel overworked, overwhelmed or overburdened

– are considering starting their own business, because they are frustrated with employers

Life coaches and career coaches are known for the ability to ask the powerful questions. Insightful and challenging questions accompanied by encouragement and empathy may help individuals take action on these work-life issues.