Women and Technology

Whenever society thinks of new technology, the first thing which comes to mind is usually a man; rarely do people ever think of a woman. This is no surprise because we live in a very …

Whenever society thinks of new technology, the first thing which comes to mind is usually a man; rarely do people ever think of a woman. This is no surprise because we live in a very male dominated society: people would not think women and technology would go as commonly together. The reality of this is that this is far from the truth. There happens to be many tech savvy women in the world today. When people think of women in the workforce, often they associate them with financial and medical fields, but there are many women in the technology fields as well. Not only that, but many people believe women do not understand technology; to support such a notion is ridiculous. Women and technology have been a combination for many years. So while women may still be a minority in the technology fields, it does not mean that we are not there.

Often in society, women and technology are usually only seen in terms of telecommunications: this in reality is far from the truth; while it is nice to be associated with medical and financial professions, it should be accepted that we have more technology based operations as well. There may be many women who are professional dancers, but there are also many women who work in technological fields as well. There are many female graphic designers, web developers and web programmers in the world. Slowly, as more and more women are becoming educated throughout the world, we gradual are seeing more and more female workers in the technological fields: perhaps someday there will be even more women than men in these fields.

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Often I hear mean telling me that women and technology just don’t mix. They tell me how women are technologically inferior. In some cases this may be true: some women who were not raised around computers may not know all too much about them. The same however goes for men who were not raised around computers: they won’t know their ways around computers as well. Women who are exposed to technology at the same time, it is actually noticeable that women will learn and grasp the technology much quicker than the men will. Unfortunately, the society which we live in is like this today, women and technology together is not always seems as a good thing; in reality, this is must be changed to benefit everyone.

If you really think of it, women and technology go together like a vase and flowers. The way educational standards are going throughout the world, perhaps someday soon women will not only be seen as tech savvy, but they will be considered even more so than their male counterparts in the workforce and in everyday life. A lady can be sophisticated and tech savvy at the same time.

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