Basement Mistakes: Dry wall instead of a wet sponge!

Moisture penetrating the basement of your home can cost you dearly! If moisture damage has occurred to the underground floor, as a rule, only costly repairs can fix the problem. Full repair is possible only …

Moisture penetrating the basement of your home can cost you dearly! If moisture damage has occurred to the underground floor, as a rule, only costly repairs can fix the problem. Full repair is possible only after the basement walls are re-excavated. But if you do not, then the moisture will gradually destroy the walls of the house, threatening not only the structures, but also your personal safety. Your quality of life can be seriously affected by the formation of mold or mildew, the poisonous spores of which can lead to serious diseases of your loved ones. In the most neglected case, the house can become completely uninhabitable. And, in any case, moisture damage significantly reduces the value of the property for subsequent sale. So better to contact the professional and when you are talking about quality KapitalBasements is always the best choice. You should consider seriously when you are hiring someone for basement.

Protection of the house from ground moisture. Typical mistakes.

Underground parts of the house are always in contact with wet ground. They must be protected from the damaging effects of moisture so that in a few years you will not be faced with the need for costly repairs that can empty your wallet and nerves. To do this, waterproofing must be reliably protected from mechanical damage that occurs, as a rule, during construction. We urge you from the very beginning to take care of the future of your home and provide a protective and drainage system for your basement. 

Moisture can rise up from the ground!

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Water can find many ways inside your basement. Often it penetrates even through concrete, especially through the joints of the horizontal slab and walls. Capillary moisture trapped in the basement can change your plans for using it and even “drive” you up because of the danger of diseases caused by mold.

All this can lead to the risk of asthma and other allergic diseases. After all, wet and “sick” walls will contact with the air of the interior of the whole house, and the result will be an unhealthy microclimate. In addition, water will damage the walling and lead to freezing of the basement walls. You will be forced to increase your home heating costs.

Moisture penetration through the basement wall.

Groundwater or infiltration water can penetrate through damaged or poor quality waterproofing. Particularly problematic are damage in the wall under the terrace, garage or basement, if they are not part of the building.

It will be extremely difficult for builders to reach the damaged site. Repair will cost extremely expensive – much more expensive than new construction! As a rule, in such cases you will have to use an injection repair system, which is very expensive and does not give 100% reliability.

High-quality execution by the builders, not a single drop of water will penetrate the basement of your house.

Waterproofing type “black bath”:

The underground part of the house is sealed with a continuous and impermeable to water waterproofing coating of polymer rolls (PVC, EPDM, PVP) or bituminous materials. Waterproofing is glued or fused on the basement walls. This is a traditional and reliable method of insulation characterized by high labor intensity.

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Waterproofing type “White bath”:

An alternative is concrete with special additives – waterproof concrete , from which the entire basement walls are made. Here, additional waterproofing is not required, but the interior must have a ventilation system, because slight diffusive transfer of moisture into the basement through concrete is possible.

Insulation of the basement around the perimeter:

Only with the use of insulation installed on the outside of the basement, you can reduce the cost of heating your home. Since the insulation comes in contact with wet soil, it must be resistant to water, mechanically strong and not decompose in the ground. Extruded polystyrene foam (EPPS / XPS) is generally used.