Ask Lauren: Tips for Taking Your Lifestyle Blog to the Next Level

One question that often makes its way into my inbox is how to launch a successful blog or take it to the next level. I’ve been doing this for almost five years now, so I’ve certainly learned …

One question that often makes its way into my inbox is how to launch a successful blog or take it to the next level. I’ve been doing this for almost five years now, so I’ve certainly learned a few tips and tricks along the way. Our focus this month may be fashion, but these tips apply to all of you lifestyle bloggers out there too. Whether you’re sharing your outfitscraftsrecipes, or travel photos, here is my best advice for how to take your blog to the next level…

Create an Editorial Calendar

When most people launch a blog, they start off posting about whatever they feel like, whenever they have time. But as your blog grows, it can help to be more strategic about what type of content you’re sharing and when. Stick to a regular posting schedule so that your readers know when they can come back to see new blog posts. Whether that’s once a week or daily, it helps to keep things consistent. Also, think about how you time your content so that you can stay on top of trends. What holidays are coming up? What keywords will be trending on Google or Pinterest? I like to plot out my whole month of content ahead of time in a Google Doc calendar. That way I can look at it from a big picture perspective, and make sure I’m including a good mix of content across all the categories my blog covers.

Network, Network, Network

The most successful bloggers know that it’s all about collaboration, not competition. Whenever it makes sense, seize the opportunity to join forces with other bloggers so that you can use each other’s audiences to grow your following. Cross-promotion will be the very best tool you have to grow your blog. Keep networking whether you’re doing it online or in person. Submit your work to other blogs, like my Chic of the Week or Style Tips columns. Attend blogger conferences and reach out to fellow bloggers whose work you admire. It also turns out to be a pretty fun way to make new friends 🙂

See also  Nine in 10 cancers caused by lifestyle

Treat Your Blog Like a Job

Most bloggers start off with other full-time jobs. And some choose to keep their day jobs even after they’ve hit it big blogging (as Blair Edie of Atlantic Pacific shared in this exclusive interview). But just because blogging is a side hobby doesn’t mean you shouldn’t treat it like a real job. If your eventual goal is to garner a big audience and even make money off of your site, you have to put in the work to get there. Set goals and deadlines for yourself—both short-term and long-term. If you committed to photographing a post over the weekend, don’t blow it off because you get busy.